Friday, October 31, 2008


Many of you have heard but some have not. Tuesday October 28, our family was involved in a major car accident. I had preached my uncle’s funeral and was returning from Tahlequah, where my parents live, back to Cleveland for Taylor’s soccer practice. All five of us were in the van together. As I am driving West on highway 412, I glance up to see the price of gas at a gas station right along the road. When I look back at the road I see our van traveling right toward a DHL van that had crossed over the median to go north on the other side of our lane. We smashed right into the center back of his van. The speed limit was 70 and my cruise control was set. I hit my brake as soon as I could but it was not in time.

The next thing I know our airbags deploy and our car is spinning. When our car comes to a stop I unbuckle my seatbelt as does Shelly, and we get out of the car and begin to get the girls out. Emiley has blood in her mouth and Sydney is crying as well. We yell back to Taylor in the back seat and she does not respond. After a few seconds she finally does and says her foot is hurt. All of the sudden people started showing up. An off duty police officer and off duty fireman came. Another man set up reflecting triangles on the road.

We get the girls out and an ambulance shows up and we get the girls in on gurneys. We all get in the ambulance together and they take us to Saint Francis Hospital in Tulsa. They run multiple test and everything came back negative. No broken bones, but bruises. I did have some glass in my hand from the windshield that they had to take out and some stitches but that is it. God was so with us in the van.

I took Shelly to the ER today because we could not get into the doctor's office. She has been complaining about dizzy spells and spinning rooms. I told her it is probably the Jack Daniels (just kidding). So she went in and the doctor did some tests and told her that he thinks she has vertigo (same title as the U2 song). So he prescribed some stuff for her and she is taking it. Then we took the girls to Tulsa for a follow up visit and the doctor is very impressed with how well they are doing. It is amazing how God has taken care of us.

I can’t put into words how much I appreciate all the prayers and comments we have received. We are so blessed to have such good friends and family. We are still a bit sore but making every day at a time. Thanks for taking time to read this and God bless.

Scott Watkins
Acts 4:13

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Click on the above link and see who just threw their hat in the ring.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

pumpkins as far as the eye can see

Today we are taking kids to an Apple Orchard and Pumpkin Patch over in Porter. I have no idea how many kids will show up. We may have two, we may have 20. I am not sure that I have ever really been to a pumpkin patch so this is a nice new experience for me. And we are picking up the girls since they have been staying with my parents since Tuesday.

Be in prayer for me as I am preaching Revival services at First Baptist Church in Pawnee. It will begin this Sunday and go through Thursday night. I have only preached one other revival and that was for a friend. When you are in Youth Ministry as long as I was you don't get a lot of invitations to do revivals so I am really excited about this.

That is all that is in my head for today. Hope you all have a great week and weekend and God bless.

In Christ Alone,
Acts 4:13

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It has been quite a while since I have posted anything. I hope no one’s life lies in the balance based on whether I post or not. There has been a lot happening and we have been incredibly busy.

I am extremely excited to share with you some information. I am going to Malawi February 19–28, 2009. Where is Malawi you ask? Click on and you can read all about it. As you will be able to see when you click on the link, Malawi is in Africa. This tiny nation is desperately in need of the Gospel. The team I am going with consists of ministers from Oklahoma. In order to baptize people in Malawi their churches require you to be an ordained minister (got that covered in December of 1999). In order to be a leader in the church (as a deacon, elder, or whatever) you must be baptized. There are approximately 50,000 to 60,000 people in Malawi waiting to be baptized. They just don’t have enough ordained ministers. A pastor friend of mine is organizing this trip and we will be baptizing and ministering to the people. There are about 8 of us going and we will line up and baptize about 10, then the next person will baptize 10, then the next. The group leader said we will baptize anywhere between 500–700 people. WOW!

This will be the first overseas mission trip I have attended since 2004. I have really missed doing this. I have had a burden for this type of ministry for quite some time. I am asking everyone to be in prayer for me and this team as we prepare for this endeavor. It will be amazing.

Also be in prayer for me as I raise the money to go. The cost of the trip with airfare, lodging, on the ground travel, food, basically everything I need is around $3,000. I am confident that God is going to provide for this trip (;&version=77;). He always has for my trips and He will for this one. But please keep me in your prayers as I step out on this exciting opportunity.

Hope you all are having a great week and please feel free to post comments. Thanks and God bless.

Acts 4:13

Wednesday, October 1, 2008