Sunday, March 29, 2009


May 2nd, our church is hosting an Area-Wide Student Rally. If you are thinking or contemplating, or just pondering if you should attend, let me settle it this way. You need to come. It will be the biggest thing to hit Pawnee County since Kim Tilley won the Rodeo Queen pageant. You will not want to miss.

You may ask, “Why is this going to be such a big deal?” Well, numero uno, the Brian Meister Band will be leading us in worship. This band is so hot you can fry an egg on them. You will be loving their killer sound, dude. Second, Shane Hall will be speaking. He was John McCain’s second choice as a Vice-Presidential candidate after Sarah Palin. John thought Sarah had better legs. He should have looked a little closer. Third, a Nintendo Wii will be given away at this event. The Wii is one of the most popular attractions at the local retirement centers. And even if you have one, win it and sell it. BAM! Instant $200. How can you say no to that?

Finally, this could potentially be the best night in the history of your friends’ lives. Christ will be shared and people will have the opportunity to come to Him in salvation. How does it get any better than this? So if you are thinking about coming, do it. If you want a flyer to take to your friends, click on the picture and print it off. Hope to see you at Terlton’s First Baptist Church at 7:00 on Saturday, May 2nd! It will be SLAMMIN’!

Also, if you have a Facebook account, click on to join this event. See you on May 2nd.


Kim said...

Thanks for the reference. Being queen is hard to top, but we’ll see if this does, hopefully! Have a good day!

Kim said...

Thanks for the reference. Being queen is hard to top, but we’ll see if this does, hopefully! Have a good day!